2024/25 Projects
Project Name Supported Species Location Principal Investigator Institute
From Code to Conservation: A Holistic Approach to DNA Barcoding of Iranian Amphibians and Crafting Conservation Strategies for Salamanders through Action Plans
Persia Mountain Salamander, Luristan Newt, Kurdistan Newt, Azerbaijan Newt, Fire Salamander Iran (Islamic Republic of) Dr. Seyyed Saeed HOSSEINIAN YOUSEFKHANI Damghan University
Community-based conservation of Critically Endangered Great Bustard in IRAN
Great Bustard Iran (Islamic Republic of) Prof. Morteza NADERI Koc University
Race against time: Assessing conservation priorities for a newly re-assigned island-endemic species, Calayan Rail Aptenorallus calayanensis, Northern Philippines
Calayan Rail Philippines Ms.Cynthia Adeline LAYUSA Isla Biodiversity Conservation
Mapping critical habitats to safeguard the Critically Endangered rhinorays of the Karimunjawa National Park, Java Sea
Bottlenose Wedgefish, Giant Guitarfish Indonesia Mr. Faqih Akbar ALGHOZALI Elasmobranch Project Indonesia (Yayasan Hiu Pari Lestari)
Mitigating bycatch of endangered elasmobranch species by trawl vessels in Sarawak, Malaysia
Scalloped Hammerhead, Bottlenose Wedgefish,Broadnose Wedgefish Malaysia Ms. Kooi Chee HO Marine Research Foundation
Better understanding and monitoring Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins for conservation purposes
Chinese White Dolphin China Dr. Agathe SERRES Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
An integrative investigation of diversity, distribution and exploitation of sea cucumbers in the Gulf of Tonkin for conservation of endangered species
Multiple sea cucumber species Vietnam Dr. Dinh Thinh DO Institute of Marine Environment and Resources
Research and conservation of stygobitic fauna in Karst caves of Southwestern China
Multiple freshwater shrimp species China Dr. Ka Yan MA School of Ecology, Sun Yat-sen University
Conservation of Indian Softshell Turtle in Chitwan National Park, Nepal
Indian Softshell Turtle Nepal Mr. Shyam PUN Humanitarian and Biodiversity Conservation Society
Tracing Turtles: Leveraging ShellBank to Unveil the Origins of Hong Kong's Seized Tortoiseshell
Hawksbill Turtle, Green turtle Hong Kong Dr. Christine MADDEN WWF-Coral Triangle Programme
Population recovery of critically endangered Asian Giant Tortoises and Elongated Tortoises through reintroduction with captive-bred individuals
Asian Giant Tortoise, Elongated Tortoise Bangladesh Mr. Shahriar RAHMAN Creative Conservation Alliance
Establishing a good governance model within the community forest user groups as an initiative for the protection of clouded leopards and their habitat in Eastern Nepal.
Clouded Leopard Nepal Mr. Mitra PANDEY Third Pole Conservancy