Corporate Partnership

We believe that corporate donors play important roles in supporting our conservation efforts. Sponsoring our work in Hong Kong or elsewhere in Asia demonstrates that each corporate donor places great emphasis on social responsibility as well as sustainable business development.

If you are interested in becoming a corporate donor of OPCFHK to support our conservation work, please contact us at (852) 3923 2645 or

For details of donation and partnership, please visit the page of Corporate partnerships.

Donor of The Hong Kong Marine Life Stranding and Education Centre



Donor of 'Conservation Education Experience Programme for Youth' & 'Climate Change Advocacy Programme'



Donors of Conservation and Education Programmes



Donors of 'Conservation Alliance'

Humphead Wrasse Donor(s)




Chinese White Dolphin Donor(s)
Shark Donor(s)

Ray Donor(s)



Seahorse Donor(s)