University Student Sponsorship Programme 2005- 06

Sponsored by OPCFHK, eight students from The University of Hong Kong Department of Ecology and Biodiversity recently participated in four different OPCFHK funded field research projects, led by leading international scientists, to gain first-hand experience in the field for the conservation projects.

The Foundation realized that there are growing opportunities for conservation-related jobs in Hong Kong and China. However the industry is experiencing a shortage of talent and more young professionals are needed. Therefore OPCFHK aims to encourage more students to consider a career in conservation by giving them a chance to experience a real-life conservation job in the field.

The 2005-06 OPCFHK University Sponsorship research projects included:

Project #1 Chinese White Dolphin (Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin) – Population Monitoring
Date 5 to 15 February 2006
Location Sanniang Bay and adjacent waters in Qinzhou City, Guangxi, China
Principal Investigator Professor Pan Wenshi
Students Shadow Sin, Vivian Lam
Description Students studied the threatened Chinese White Dolphin in Guangxi to understand their populations and challenges
Outcome Findings to be used to help develop effective conservation measures to save the Chinese White Dolphin from extinction
Student's diary Vivian Lam 5 Feb, 6 Feb, 7 Feb, 8 Feb, 9 Feb, 10-15 Feb (PDF)


Project #2 Study of Mabian Dafengding Nature Reserve
Date 4 to 14 December 2005
Location Sichuan, China
Principal Investigator Sichuan Forestry Department
Students Fion Cheung, Tony Hung
Description Studying the ecosystem of the Mabian Dafengding Nature Reserve, Sichuan to understand how diverse the animals and plants are in the region.
Outcome Information can be used to develop appropriate long-term management plan for the Reserve
Student's diary Fion Cheung (PDF) (Only Chinese Version available)


Project #3 Baiji (Yangtze river dolphin) and Finless Porpoise – Population Monitoring
Date 15 to 24 November 2005
Location Poyang Lake, Jiangxi, China
Principal Investigator Dr Wang Kexiong, Institute of Hydrobiology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Students Milla Fok, Tracy Pang
Description With their habitat shrinking due to pollution and by-catch, there are less than 50 baiji left in the Yangtze River. Students monitored the daily movements of the porpoise and baiji between the lake and river.
Outcome Findings to be used in the design, establishment and management of reserves in the area needed to help save them from extinction
Student's diary Milla Fok 15 Nov, 16 Nov, 17 Nov, 18 Nov, 19 Nov, 20 Nov, 21 Nov, 22 Nov (PDF)


Project #4 Giant Pandas – Enrichment items design program
Date 7 to 19 January 2006
Location China Research and Conservation Centre for the Giant Panda, Wolong, Sichuan, China
Principal Investigator Initiated by OPCFHK, collaborated with Wolong 7 to 19 January 2006
Students Vivien Bao, Angela Lam
Description Students design play/enrichment items for giant pandas at Wolong Nature Reserve to try out
Outcome Enrichment items designed by students to stimulate giant pandas both physically and mentally in order to keep them healthy in zoological facilities.
Student's diary Angela Lam (PDF)