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    We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our Scientific Advisory Committee. In 2015/2016, the Committee
    comprised 28 independent and respected scientists. Their careful work evaluating our conservation funding proposals and
    insightful advice throughout the year has been invaluable.

    蔣素珊女士 (主席)         Ms. Suzanne M. GENDRON (Chair) Foundation Director, OPCFHK

    魏偉寶先生              Mr. Grant ABEL               Director of Animal Care, Ocean Park Hong Kong

    伍澤賡博士              Prof. Put O ANG, Jr.         Associate Professor, Department of Biology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    Bob BROWNELL Jr 博士	 Dr. Bob L. BROWNELL, Jr.	   Senior Scientist (International Protected Marine Resources),				
    		                                              Southwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA

    陳堅峰先生              Mr. CHAN Kin Fung, Simon     Assistant Director (Conservation), Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, HKSARG

    杜德俊教授              Prof. David DUDGEON          Chair Professor of Ecology and Biodiversity, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

    費樂思博士              Dr. John FELLOWES            Consultant on Conservation and Sustainable Living, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, Hong Kong

    郭睿女士               Ms. GUO Rui                  Head, Environmental Resources Department, Bureau of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, China

    侯智恆博士	             Dr. Billy HAU	               Principal Lecturer and Programme Coordinator, MSc in Environmental Management,		
    	                  	                            School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

    賈力誠博士              Dr. Leszek KARCZMARSKI       Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

    黎存志先生	             Mr. LAI Chuen Chi, Patrick	  Assistant Director (Country and Marine Parks),					
    	                  	                            Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, HKSARG

    劉惠寧博士              Dr. Michael LAU              Senior Head of Programme, Local Biodiversity and Regional Wetlands, WWF Hong Kong

    馬伯樂獸醫博士	           Dr. Paolo MARTELLI	          Director for Veterinary Service, Ocean Park Hong Kong

    Jim McBAIN博士       Dr. Jim MCBAIN               Consultant Veterinarian, Sea World San Diego

    Meena NARESHWAR女士 Mrs. Meena NARESHWAR          Scientific cum Programme Coordinator, Centre for Environment Education, Ahmedabad, India

    Daniel K. ODELL博士  Dr. Daniel K. ODELL          Former Senior Research Biologist, Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute

    潘文石教授              Prof. PAN Wenshi             Professor, College of Life Science, Peking University, China

    冉江洪教授              Prof. RAN Jianghong          Professor, College of Life Science, Sichuan University, China

    Randall R. REEVES博士 Dr. Randall R. REEVES       Chairman, IUCN/SSC Cetacean Specialist Group

    單錦城博士              Dr. Paul SHIN                Associate Professor, Biology and Chemistry Department, City University of Hong Kong

    William STREET先生	  Mr. William STREET	          Corporate Curator of Conservation and Education, SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment in Orlando, Florida
    	                  	                            Director of Zoological Conservation and Education, Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, Florida

    譚鳳儀教授              Prof. Nora TAM               Chair Professor in Biology, Department of Biology and Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong

    王鴻加先生              Mr. WANG Hongjia             Director, Wildlife Conservation Division of Sichuan Forestry Department, China

    王福義博士              Dr. WONG Fook-yee            Adjunct Professor, Geography Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    張和民教授              Prof. ZHANG Hemin            Director, Wolong Nature Reserve Administration, China

    張希武先生	             Mr. ZHANG Xiwu	              Director, Wildlife Conservation and Nature Reserve Management Division, State Forestry
    	                  	                            Administration, China

    張澤鈞教授              Prof. ZHANG Zejun            Professor, College of Life Science, China West Normal University, China

    周開亞教授              Prof. ZHOU Kaiya             Professor of Zoology, Department of Biology, College of Life Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, China

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