Page 64 - OPFC AR 2015-16
P. 64

楊旭煜先生	                四川省野生動物資源調查保護管                       大熊貓		                 四川大熊貓保護區導覽和解說展板撰寫技能
    Mr. YANG Xuyu         理站				                               Giant panda           培訓					
                          Sichuan Province Wildlife Resource                         Training on Exhibition Panel Narration and Writing
    		                    Survey and Conservation Station      			                   Skills for Giant Panda Nature Reserves in Sichuan
    古曉東博士	                四川省野生動物資源調查保護管                       大熊貓及其他物種              臥龍國家級自然保護區大熊貓種群通道研究	
    Dr. GU Xiaodong       理站				                               Giant panda & others  Study on Wildlife Corridor for Giant Panda in Wolong
                          Sichuan Province Wildlife Resource                         National Nature Reserve, Sichuan
    		                    Survey and Conservation Station      			
    楊坤林先生	                四川省野生動物資源調查保護管                       大熊貓		                 四川省自然保護區總體規劃技術規範和自然
    Mr. YANG Kunlin       理站				                               Giant panda           保護區巡護技術規範的制訂		
                          Sichuan Province Wildlife Resource                         Establishment of Standards on Nature Reserve
    		                    Survey and Conservation Station      			                   Master Plan and Patrol Techniques in Sichuan Province
    馬向祖先生	                陝西省林業廳保護處		                          大熊貓		                 陝西省大熊貓野外保護機構紅外線相機監測
    Mr. MA Xiangzu        Division of Conservation, Shaanxi    Giant panda           及數據利用能力培訓			
                          Forestry Department                                        Training on Infra-red Camera Monitoring and Data
    		                                                                               Application for Conservation Authorities in Shaanxi
    張俊和先生	                                                                           陝西省大熊貓保護區站點標準化建設及規範
    Mr. ZHANG Junhe       				                                 		                    管理研修班				
                                                                                     Training on Standardised Establishment and
    		                    陝西省林業廳保護處		 大熊貓		                                          Management at Field Stations in Giant Panda Nature
    		                                                                               Reserves in Shaanxi
    		                    Division of Conservation, Shaanxi    Giant panda
    張曉峰女士	                                                                           陝西牛尾河省級自然保護區標準化管理建設
    Ms. ZHANG Xiaofeng    Forestry Department                                        試點					
                                                                                     A Pilot Management Standardisation Project at
    		                    				                                 			                   Niuweihe Provincial Nature Reserve, Shaanxi
    魯明耀先生	                陝西省自然保護區和野生動物                        			                   甘肅大熊貓保護區標準化巡護建設項目	
    Mr. LU Mingyao        管理站                                  大熊貓		                 Standardisation of Patrol and Monitoring in Nature
                          Shaanxi Province Nature Reserve and  Giant panda           Reserves in Gansu
    		                    Wild Animal Station
    孟秀祥教授	                                                     			                   野生高山麝的功能性微生境利用和繁殖成功
    Prof. MENG Xiuxiang   甘肅省野生動植物管理局		                        		                    及其與氣候變化的關係			
                          Wild Animal and Plant Management     大熊貓		                 Study on the Relationship between Climate Change,
                          Authority, Gansu                     Giant panda           Functional Micro-habitat Usage and Breeding Success
                                                                                     of Wild Alpine Musk Deer
                          Renmin University of China           高山麝		                 中國西南大中型獸類及雉類野外識別手冊	
                                                               Alpine musk deer      Field Identification Handbook of Large and
                                                                                     Medium-Sized Wild Mammals and Pheasants in
    		                    				                                 			                   South-western China		
    李晟博士	                                                                            教育及社區監察				
    Dr. LI Sheng          				                                 		                    Scaling up the Chinese Pangolin Conservation
                                                                                     through Education and Community-based Monitoring
    		                    北京大學			                              陸生哺乳類及雉類              Programmes to Combat Pangolin Trade in 		
    		                    Peking University		                  Terrestrial mammals   Sindhupalchowk District, Nepal
    Ms. Prativa KASPAL    	                                    and pheasants
    		                    			                                  			                   Conserving Critical Orangutan Habitat in Indonesian
    		                    Natural Heritage Nepal		                                   Borneo
    		                                                         Chinese pangolin
    Dr. Mark E. HARRISON  							




                          Orangutan Tropical Peatland Project  婆羅洲紅毛猩猩	

                                                               Bornean orangutan

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