Page 5 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
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生物多樣性還面對非法獵殺和貿易等重大 Biodiversity is also seriously threatened by poaching and trafficking, such as
威脅,非法野生動物貿易亦是持續困擾香 Hong Kong's ongoing issues with the illegal wildlife trade. In August 2021, the
港的問題。立法會於二零二一年八月通過 Legislative Council passed an Amendment that incorporated offenses involving
香港法例第四百五十五章《有組織及嚴重 wildlife trafficking and illegal trade into the Organised and Serious Crimes
罪行條例》的修訂草案,將走私與非法交 Ordinance (Cap. 455). OPCFHK has also taken an active role in combating
poaching and illegal trades. In March 2021, we began funding a computer-aided
易野生動植物的罪行納入條例中。保育基 facial recognition project that uses artifi cial intelligence (AI) technology to combat
金亦於本年度繼續全力打擊非法捕獵與貿 the illegal trade of humphead wrasse by empowering the public to identify
易。其中於二零二一年三月,我們開始資 and report suspicious sales. The Beale's eyed turtle, one of the region's native
助一項研究,協助發展臉部辨識系統,採 freshwater turtle species, is facing threats such as poaching for illegal trade
用人工智能技術識別蘇眉個體,讓公眾得 and pet market sales. Since 2018, OPCFHK has worked with Ocean Park and
以察覺與舉報懷疑個案,對抗蘇眉非法貿 the Hong Kong Society of Herpetology Foundation on an ex-situ conservation
易。另外自二零一八年起,我們亦與海洋 programme to restore the drastically diminished wild populations of the region's
公園及香港兩棲及爬行動物保育基金緊密 native freshwater turtles through captive breeding and reintroduction. We have
合作,守護香港原生物種眼斑水龜。眼 also supported projects in Malaysia, Nepal and other regions of Asia to help
defend the wild populations of multiple endangered species from poaching and
斑水龜屬淡水龜,飽受非法捕獵及買賣威 illegal trade.
了遷地保育計劃,期望以人工繁殖和野外 The important work that we do would not be possible without our kind and
放歸的方式,恢復眼斑水龜的種群。香港 generous donors. We thank Ocean Park for their steadfast support, both in
donations and technical expertise, and Bank of China (Hong
以外,保育基金亦全力支援馬來西亞及尼 donations and technical expertise, and Bank of China (Hong
Kong) Limited for their generous sponsorship on the
Kong) Limited for their generous sponsorship on the
泊爾等亞洲地區的保育工作,守護多個瀕 Conserve Wildlife Today for a Better Planet Tomorrow
危物種,免受非法獵殺和走私販賣威脅。 campaign, which included 19 scientific projects,
當然凡此種種保育成果,全賴各捐助機構 an online public awareness campaign and the
的鼎力支持。我們特別感謝海洋公園一直 26th Ocean Park Conservation Day. We are also
immensely grateful to all of our other sponsors,
以來為我們提供資金與技術支援,亦衷心 corporate partners, stakeholders, individual donors
鳴謝中國銀行(香港)有限公司慷慨解 and volunteers. Finally, we would like to honour
囊,贊助「保護野生生態 延續地球未來」 the hard work of our trustee members, committee
活動,協助推行十九個科研項目、多個網 members, principal investigators and research
上公眾宣傳活動及「第二十六屆海洋公園 teams, as well as the tireless dedication of our
保育日」。藉此機會,我們亦向各贊助者、 staff, who serve as our frontline in our ongoing
企業伙伴、持分者、捐助者及義工致謝, efforts to protect nature.
並感謝各受託委員會成員、委員會成員、 In the coming year, OPCFHK will continue
首席研究員及研究團隊,以及每一位站在 our work to advocate, facilitate and
保育工作最前線的保育基金同事對守護自 participate in the effective conservation
participate in the effective conservation
然所付出的努力與貢獻。 of Asian wildlife. We are pleased that
the policymakers of the world are also
展望來年,保育基金將繼續全力提倡保育, working hard to determine the best
積極推行和參與亞洲區內各個項目。我們 path forward and the steps we must
很高興環球決策者現正努力為可持續未來 take to get there. By working together
制定決策與方向,並期待與大家一起為地 to save nature, we can save the future
球與我們下一代的美好未來大步向前。 of Earth and preserve it for our next
基金主席 Judy CHEN, JP
Foundation Chair