Page 57 - OPCF 2020
P. 57

Collaborating with the Business Sector: A Multi-Corporate Force for Conservation
保育基金衷心感謝香港商界的全力支持。全賴多間 企業伙伴的熱心參與,保育基金得以推行多元化的 活動,宣傳保護野生動物與自然生態的訊息。
保育基金於海洋公園海濱樂園廣場的「環迴水世界」 下方,設立了以海洋生態為主題的「保育同盟」榮譽 牆,藉此感謝商界伙伴與公眾的慷慨捐助與支持。榮 譽牆展現了海洋公園與保育基金對守護海洋的共同願 景,寄望藉由推廣企業社會責任,共同捍衛清潔、健 康的海洋生態。
保育基金提供多姿多彩的企業活動,由親身參 與保育工作、展開考察之旅,到教育活動應有盡 有。本年度很高興有來自天弘科技、太古地產有 限公司、Expedia Asia Pacific Limited、Yves Rocher、Credit Hero、賽默飛世爾科技、仲量聯行 及資本策略地產有限公司的員工團隊參與由保育基金 協辦的泥灘清潔活動,讓馬蹄蟹的天然棲息地得以恢 復。與此同時,深灣遊艇會亦聯同香港城巿大學透過 支持「馬蹄蟹保母計劃」飼養馬蹄蟹,並將長大的馬 蹄蟹放歸自然。
於二零一九年,保育基金並推出了一系列企業協作教 育計劃。其中,與賽馬會氣候變化博物館合作舉辦為 期一天的保育大使培訓計劃中,除了有香港海洋生物 救護及教育中心的導賞團,還有專家主持的鯨豚擱 淺講座,並帶領參加者前往下白泥的泥灘進行考察。 今年保育基金邁向二十五周年,展望未來,保育基金 將會探索更多活動新方向,例如舉行網上合辦活動 等,鼓勵更多企業伙伴參與保育工作。
Mr. Edward Read先生
• 深灣遊艇會總經理
• 「馬蹄蟹保母計劃」 合作伙伴
Mr. Edward Read
• General Manager of
The Aberdeen Marina Club
• Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme Partner
OPCFHK would like to show special recognition and gratitude to Hong Kong’s business sector for its heartfelt support. Through the participation of various corporate partners, OPCFHK has launched a wide variety of engaging events to promote wildlife and ecosystem conservation and protection.
Conservation Alliance
At Ocean Park, OPCFHK’s Conservation Alliance signature brick—located below the Sea Life Carousel at the Park’s Waterfront Plaza—pays homage to the generous support of its corporate allies and individual donors. The brick is framed by a sea life mural behind it. Together, the two symbolise a shared vision of Ocean Park and OPCFHK for a healthy, clean and thriving marine future, made possible by the cornerstone of corporate social responsibility.
Corporate Events
OPCFHK’s corporate events ran the gamut from hands-on conservation and tours to educational activities. Staff from Celestica, Swire Properties Limited, Expedia Asia Pacific Limited, Yves Rocher, Credit Hero, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Jones Lang LaSalle Limited and CSI Properties Limited participated in mudflat clean-ups supported by OPCFHK to restore the natural habitat of horseshoe crabs. Meanwhile, a collaborative effort with the Aberdeen Marina Club and City University of Hong Kong under the Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme fostered and released horseshoe crabs back into the wild.
OPCFHK also launched a number of collaborative corporate educational programmes in 2019. A one-day Conservation Ambassador training programme in cooperation with the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change featured a guided tour of the HKMLSEC. It also included an expert-led cetacean stranding talk and tour of the mudflat at Ha Pak Nai. As OPCFHK marks its 25th anniversary, it will continue to explore new ways such as joint online initiatives to expand this important work with its corporate partners.
我們自二零一六年起參與「馬蹄蟹保母計劃」。深灣遊艇會擁有臨海位置,海洋生物的 保育及可持續性與我們息息相關。因此,我樂見各位同事義務協助飼養馬蹄蟹,再放歸 自然。藉著這些珍貴體驗,從中向我們的會員及家人傳達海洋保育的訊息。
We have been participating in the Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme since 2016. With our proximity to the sea, we are keenly interlinked with the protection and sustainability of maritime species. I was delighted, therefore, to see our colleagues volunteering to help raise these horseshoe crabs for their return to nature. This was a great experience that helped share a strong marine conservation message among our members and their families.

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