Page 56 - OPCF 2020
P. 56
Ocean Park Supports Conservation:
Working Hand-in-Hand to Support Asia’s Biodiversity
在二零一九至二零二零年度,海洋公園慷慨捐出港幣 五百萬零八千八百五十九元予保育基金,支持亞洲及 本地生物多樣性的保育與教育工作。有關捐款包括每 張出售門票捐出港幣一元、售賣大熊貓精品所得的部 分收入、園內餐飲服務及「與動物親上加親」活動的 部分收益。
此外,為支持關注氣候變化對野生生態影響的保育研 究,海洋公園於本年度繼續捐出「冰極餐廳」的部分 收入以及於指定繁忙日子收取的停車場附加費予保育 基金。公園並向保育基金捐出所有膠袋徵稅以及「海 洋公園保育日」活動首日入場門票的全數收入,而保 育基金透過園內捐款箱及八達通捐款設施所籌集的 捐款共有港幣三十萬零七千二百八十五元。於本年度 內,保育基金更增設了兩個新的捐款設施,一個位於 海洋奇觀(由二零一九年十二月起使用),另一個位 於海洋劇場(由二零二零年五月起使用)。
除了慷慨捐款,每當保育基金的海洋生物擱淺行動組 需要解剖擱淺鯨豚屍體或進行活體營救時,海洋公園 都會提供專業獸醫及動物護理技術支援。保育基金再 次衷心感激海洋公園一直以來的鼎力支持,在保育路 上並肩同行。
During 2019/20, Ocean Park has donated HK$5,008,859 to support OPCFHK’s efforts to promote conservation and education about Asian and local biodiversity. $1 from each paid admission ticket, and a portion of every sale of panda merchandise, in-Park food and beverage revenue and animal encounter programmes is dedicated to OPCFHK.
In addition, Ocean Park continues to support conservation projects about the impact of climate change on wildlife by dedicating a portion of its revenue on designated peak days from parking surcharges and Tuxedos Restaurant. Ocean Park donates the revenue from its plastic bag levy to OPCFHK, as well as the revenue from paid admission tickets on the first day of the annual Ocean Park Conservation Day event. OPCFHK also received a donation of HK$307,285, raised through donation boxes and Octopus machines at Ocean Park. In 2019/20, two new in-park donation kiosks were set up. One was installed and has been in operation at the Grand Aquarium since December 2019, and another at the Ocean Theatre since May 2020.
Apart from cash donations, Ocean Park provides veterinary expertise and animal care during fresh carcass necropsies and live stranding rescues when needed to OPCFHK’s Marine Life Stranding Response Team. As always, OPCFHK is exceptionally grateful for all of Ocean Park’s generous support.