Page 5 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 5
陳晴, JP
基金主席 Foundation Chair
Aside from scientific research, educational and community outreach initiatives,
OPCFHK has also established long-standing partnerships with various organisations, education
institutions and government departments to further conservation efforts across the region.
「無飲管運動」延續過去的豐碩成果,今年參與的 Building upon its previous success, the No Straw Campaign saw the number
餐廳和機構數目比去年增加逾一倍,合作夥伴與我 of partners double in 2018/19. More organisations than ever joined hands
們攜手繼續令大眾了解塑膠海洋垃圾對海洋及 to raise public awareness about the threat that plastic marine litter poses
自然環境的威脅。保育基金的調查結果更顯示, on our oceans and environment. Commissioned by OPCFHK, research into
二零一九年本港塑膠飲管消耗較二零一七年大幅 Hong Kong’s plastic straw consumption also showed a significant drop of
減少百分之三十六點五,成績令人鼓舞。 36.5% in 2019 compared to 2017.
Aligning with the theme of single-use plastics reduction, Run for Survival
今年吸引逾二千二百名跑手參賽,打破歷屆紀錄。 was held with a record-breaking 2,200 participants who helped raise a total
of HK$1.6 million to support OPCFHK’s wildlife conservation efforts in the
活動籌得合共港幣一百六十萬元善款,支持保育 region. Through the event, participants were also encouraged to adopt a
基金在亞洲的野生生態保育工作。同時,慈善跑鼓勵 greener lifestyle and help spread the message.
The centrepiece of OPCFHK’s community engagement efforts, the 24th
「第二十四屆海洋公園保育日」旨在向公眾推廣 Ocean Park Conservation Day, was also a resounding success. 43,000
生物多樣性及保育基金的工作,是保育基金的重點 visitors took part in a variety of activities advocating plastic-free living, and
社區參與活動。今年保育日同樣承接提倡「走塑生活」 helped spread this important message among their family and friends.
的主題,成功吸引四萬三千名遊人參與多元化的 Meanwhile, success of the Juvenile Horseshoe Crab Rearing Programme
活動。 continued into the year. This student education and engagement initiative
而舉辦多年的「馬蹄蟹校園保母計劃」在過去一年 increased the population of horseshoe crabs in the wild, while local school
延續過往的豐盛成果,不僅成功增加野外馬蹄蟹的 partnerships helped promote the importance of looking after their natural
種群數量,更向本地中學推廣保護馬蹄蟹自然棲息 habitats.
環境的重要性。 Designed to encourage young people to consider rewarding careers in
conservation, the ongoing University Student Sponsorship Programme in
另外,保育基金積極鼓勵年青人投身保育工作行列, Wildlife Conservation (USSP) brought together a dynamic group of local
我們的「野外生態保育大學生贊助計劃」(USSP) and international professionals to help inspire university students to carry
邀請本地及國際專家啟發本地大學生對環境保育 the torch for environmental conservation and spread the message to the
前線工作的興趣,並透過學生向公眾宣揚保育訊息。 wider public. The programme has nurtured many students’ passions in
USSP 在過去十五年培育了許多保育生力軍,印證 conservation over the past 15 years.
Aside from scientific research, educational and community outreach
除了科學研究、教育及社區外展項目,保育基金亦 initiatives, OPCFHK has also established long-standing partnerships with
一直與不同團體、教育院校及政府部門緊密合作, various organisations, education institutions and government departments
進一步拓展我們在亞洲區的保育工作。 to further conservation efforts across the region.
保育基金能成就以上多項協作成果,同樣有賴捐款 None of the above would be possible without the much needed and
人的慷慨贊助和長期支持。首先,我們特別鳴謝 generous support of our donors. First and foremost, we would like to thank
海洋公園贊助保育基金開展重要的保育工作。我們 Ocean Park for sponsoring the vital conservation work that we do. We would
亦衷心感謝所有贊助機構、商界夥伴、義工,以及 also like to express our gratitude to all of our sponsors, corporate partners,
其他持份者的長期支持;並謹此鳴謝保育基金的受託 volunteers and other stakeholders for their unwavering support. We would
also like to extend a big thank you to all of our trustee members, committee
委員會成員、各個委員會、首席研究員及研究團隊, members, principal investigators and their teams, and every member of staff
以及每一位站在保育工作最前線的保育基金同事。 for their tireless frontline conservation efforts.
守護地球和生物多樣性需要持之以恆的決心和 Protecting planet Earth and conserving its biodiversity is an ongoing pursuit.
努力。承蒙你的幫助,保育基金定當竭智盡力,堅守 OPCFHK will continue to do its utmost with your support. Once again, I
保育重任。我在此再次誠摯感謝每一位對保育基金 would like to extend my sincerest thanks to everyone for their tremendous
的支持,讓我們攜手迎接美好和豐盛的新一年。 support, and I look forward to another bright and successful year ahead.
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