Page 7 - OPFC AR 2015-16
P. 7

在主要活動如賣旗日及生態保衛賽上與你們碰面,                    Primary-to-Tertiary schools that help raise awareness of the
在全年的活動中亦得到你們的支持。以上的支持缺一                   conservation challenges and participate in conservation efforts
不可,保育基金在此致以萬二分謝意。                         like mudflat clean-ups and raising horseshoe crabs. And then
                                          there are the many individuals that donate money and time to
那麼,我們持分者的支持如何演化為正面改變?就讓                   support the Foundation, not just during our signature events,
我以保育基金如何守護珠江口的中華白海豚為例子                    Flag Day and Run For Survival, but throughout the year. For all
跟大家說明。要守護整個珠江口族群,我們不能單單                   of these efforts, we are extremely grateful.
珠江口不同水域範圍的出沒情況,以及棲身於東面、                   How do our stakeholders make such a difference? One excellent
中部及西部的中華白海豚是否互有關連及交流。取得                   example of this is the work the Foundation is conducting to save
這些資料後,我們會邀請來自珠江口的不同持分者                    the Chinese white dolphins (CWD) in the Pearl River Estuary
參與工作坊,共同建立一個以整個珠江口水域的中華                   (PRE). We can no longer just look at Hong Kong’s efforts in
白海豚保育研究框架。                                isolation but must understand how the CWD utilise the PRE
                                          and if the populations in the Eastern, Central and Western PRE
保育基金於早前與世界自然保護聯盟的專家小組                     are related. Armed with this knowledge, WE can gather the
合 作,舉 行 工 作 坊 分 析 中 華 白 海 豚 族 群 的 持 續 力。  many stakeholders within the PRE to work together to develop
會上探討了白海豚面對的污染、船隻撞擊、過度捕漁、                  a working conservation framework for the dolphins.
多了解這類威脅對族群的長遠影響。我們在來年會                    Working with the International Union for the Conservation
舉行第二個工作坊,匯聚不同界別人士共同制訂保育                   of Nature (IUCN) specialist groups, the Foundation has
研究框架。當然,在完成草擬框架後,我們仍需與持分                  conducted a Population Viability Assessment (PVA) for the
者 保 持 合 作,在 各 自 的 領 域 中 盡 力 推 行 保 育 行 動,  CWDs throughout the PRE. Through the PVA, we can begin to
攜手守護香港以及珠江口的珍貴中華白海豚族群。                    better understand how the various conservation challenges of
                                          pollution, boat strikes, overfishing, habitat degradation and loss
這就是凝聚眾人之力的力量! 所以,每當你被問到是                  and entanglement might affect the population in the long run.
否可以幫忙時,請緊記回答「嗨,我可以幫忙啊」!只                  In the coming year, we will hold a second workshop to bring
要團結一致,我們就可以守護亞洲區珍貴而多元的                    the key opinion leaders from each stakeholder sector together
野生生態及棲息環境。                                to work collectively to create a PRE Chinese white dolphin
                                          conservation framework. The collaboration of WE won’t stop
                                          once we create the conservation framework but continue
                                          through the coming years to champion the efforts and ensure
                                          that we are on track to preserve the precious CWD population
                                          in Hong Kong and the PRE.

                                          This is the true power of WE! So remember, when you are
                                          asked if you can help, please answer “Oui!”, Yes, we can help!
                                          Together, WE will preserve Asia’s precious and diverse wildlife
                                          and wild places.

Suzanne M. Gendron
Foundation Director

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