Page 5 - OPFC AR 2015-16
P. 5

事 實 上,不 少 物 種 所 面 臨 的 威 脅,往 往 是 由 人 類 所   Many of the issues that threaten the world’s species begin with
造 成 的。人 類 在 一 個 地 方 所 作 的 消 費 決 定,隨 時 會   humans. The animals in one place are frequently affected by
令其他地方的物種受害,就好像數以百萬計的鯊魚                    consumer decisions elsewhere in the world. This has been
因 為 魚 翅 被 殺,無 數 的 大 象 因 為 象 牙 而 遇 害 一 樣。  true for the millions of sharks killed for their fins, and the
要應對這個問題,我們必須全力啟發每個人為保育                    elephants killed for their tusks. To tackle the problem, all of us
身體力行。因此,保育基金舉行了多個創意活動,例如                  must be enlightened to take conservation action. OPCFHK has
透過第二屆的「生態保衛賽」提醒大家海洋污染、過度                  organised creative activities like our 2nd annual Run for Survival
捕魚和海洋垃圾所引起的生態危機,希望以有趣的                    to educate people about the critical situation caused by marine
互動體驗,讓公眾學懂如何愛惜地球。                         pollution, overfishing and marine debris. We encourage the
                                          public to act smart for the planet through fun and interactive
對保育基金而言,其中一項重大使命就是鼓勵公眾                    activities.
於是我們邀請年青一代成為這種活化石的保母,並邀請                  Engaging the public is a cornerstone of OPCFHK’s activities.
企業義工一起進行泥灘清潔活動,讓參加者感受即棄                   For example, our work for the horseshoe crab, one of the
塑 膠 製 品 對 環 境 的 破 壞,從 而 改 變 日 常 習 慣。我 們   lesser-known animals found in Hong Kong, introduces the
舉辦的活動,都期望公眾能透過親身參與,從而反思                   younger generation to conserving a living fossil. Through
日常的微小行動,足以為地球上的其他動物帶來希望。                  corporate volunteer mudflat clean-ups, participants get inspired
                                          to change their daily habits as they see how disposable plastics
保育基金可以取得這些成果,全賴我們的首席研究員                   pollute the environment. In each case, we have engaged the
的傑出貢獻,以及合作伙伴、義工、善長和贊助商的                   public to think how their small actions are able to provide a
全力支持。在此,我要感謝各位受託委員會成員、保育                  chance at survival for animals sharing the same planet with us.
我要特別感謝剛卸任的海洋公園行政總裁苗樂文                     None of our efforts would have been possible without the
先生過去十二年來對受託委員會的貢獻,而我亦很                    good work of our Principal Investigators, and support of our
高 興 他 在 離 任 海 洋 公 園 後,仍 繼 續 留 任 保 育 基 金。  collaborators, volunteers, donors and sponsors. I would like
另外,我亦要歡迎梁美儀教授加入,並衷心感謝兩位                   to thank my fellow Trustee Members, the OPCFHK team, and
已離任的委員紀文鳳女士及薛綺雯教授。最後,我還要                  the Scientific Advisory Committee. My heartfelt gratitude
感謝各位善長的慷慨支持,讓我們得以撥出港幣逾                    also goes to Mr. Tom Mehrmann, Ocean Park’s outgoing Chief
一千萬元,資助二十二個亞洲物種的保育工作,並令                   Executive, for his 12 years of service as our Trustee Member.
超過十二萬八千名本地學生及公眾人士能夠參與                     We are glad he is staying with us after his departure. At the
我們的教育活動。                                  same time, I would like to welcome Prof. Kenneth Leung for
                                          joining us, and am grateful to Ms. Leonie Ki and Prof. Yvonne
展望未來,保育工作仍然任重道遠。極端天氣正威脅                   Sadovy who have retired from the Board. We are indebted
全球不少國家,氣候轉變和棲息地消失都是不容忽視                   to all our stakeholders, who have enabled us to contribute
的 嚴 峻 挑 戰,你 的 支 持 對 生 態 保 育 工 作 尤 其 重 要。  HK$10.13 million towards conservation projects on 22 Asian
每一個看來微不足道的行動,例如停止使用膠飲管、                   species, as well as benefit over 128,000 students and members
選 吃 環 保 海 鮮,都 推 動 我 們 邁 向 正 確 方 向。人 類 與   of the public with our educational programmes in Hong Kong.
                                          Looking forward, WE have much more to achieve together.
                                          Extreme weather events threaten nations around the world.
                                          Issues like climate change and habitat loss are too big to ignore,
                                          and too big to tackle alone. Your support is vital to make wildlife
                                          conservation succeed. Every small step, from cutting down on
                                          plastic straws to eating sustainable seafood, is one more step
                                          in the right direction. The future of humanity and our animals
                                          in the wild need your help, now and in the many years to come.

陳晴 太平紳士
Judy Chen, JP
Foundation Chair

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