Page 41 - OPFC AR 2015-16
P. 41

讓保育薪火相傳                                                              Reaching the Next Generation

沈普仁、蔡浩銘及黃旨晉參與本屆計劃,於二零一六                                              USSP student Marcus, Ben and Anson joined the Human Orangutan
年五月前赴印尼,跟隨HOCRU人猿衝突協調隊伍,                                             Conflict Response Unit (HOCRU) team in May 2016. Over six days,
在六日內參與了三項協調工作,包括一次遷移安置                                               they responded to three human-orangutan conflict reports, including
行動。該行動歷經七小時實地追蹤,最後成功麻醉並                                              a mother-and-baby relocation procedure. After seven hours in the
救出一對紅毛猩猩母子。經獸醫全面身體檢查,確保                                              field tracking, tranquilising and rescuing the orangutans, who
紅毛猩猩母子健康無礙後,隊伍便將牠們帶離當地                                               were then given a thorough check-up by the veterinarian, the
破碎的棲息地,放歸鄰近的國家公園。此外,同學亦                                              team relocated the healthy mother and baby from an isolated
參與了Gunung Leuser 國家公園的棲息地修復計劃,                                       habitat to a nearby national park. Students also took part in
以及了解團隊的其他工作,包括收集數據、找出森林                                              the habitat restoration programme in Gunung Leuser National
鄰近的村落所在,並了解被紅毛猩猩破壞的農作物                                               Park, and learned about HOCRU's other activities, including data
品種,以及定期舉辦的外展及培訓活動。                                                   collection, mapping of forest-adjacent villages to study crop-raiding
                                                                     species, and regular outreach and training sessions.

      © Marcus Shum / USSP                                                                                                             © Marcus Shum / USSP

啟發學生                                                                 Inspiring Students

「遷移行動是化解人類與紅毛猩猩衝突的最後方法。                                              “Relocating orangutans is a last-ditch effort to alleviate
 雖然協調隊伍只有五位成員,而亞齊特區及北蘇門答                                             human-orangutan conflict. With five members covering the
 臘省總面積又廣達約一百三十萬公頃,但他們仍為保                                             Aceh special region and the North Sumatra province, totalling
 育當地的紅毛猩猩竭盡所能。要支持協調隊伍的工                                              around 1.3 million hectares, the team has been stretched to its
 作,我們亦必須盡一己之力,避免使用棕櫚油產品,以                                            limit helping the orangutans. We must help them, by reducing our
 消除危害紅毛猩猩的主要威脅。」                                                     demand on palm oil, as it is the one major threat that everybody
                                                                     can help mitigate.”

                                                                     保育快訊          chips shampoo

                                                                     at a Glance

  © Orangutan Information Centre                                     無 論 是 煎 炸 用 油、包 裝 食 品 , 還 是 個 人 護 理 產 品 及

黃 旨 晉、沈 普 仁 及 蔡 浩 銘                                                  化妝品,都可以見到棕櫚油的蹤跡。只要停止購買含
Anson Wong, Marcus Shum and Ben Tsoi
第十二屆野外生態保育大學生贊助計劃參加者                                                 製品,你也可以為保護森林作出明智選擇。
The University of Hong Kong and The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Participants of the 12th USSP                                        Palm oil is widely used as frying oil, as well as in packaged
                                                                     food, personal care and cosmetics products. Cross palm oil off
                                                                     your shopping list, or opt for products using only palm oil from
                                                                     sustainable sources.

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