Page 39 - OPFC AR 2015-16
P. 39

微塑膠與鬼蝠魟                                                                                         Microplastics and the Manta Ray

Marine Megafauna Foundation(MMF)於印尼展開一                                                          USSP students Yolanda and Danielle joined the Marine
個為期三年的研究項目,調查鬼蝠魟覓食水域的微塑                                                                         Megafauna Foundation (MMF) for two weeks at a manta ray
膠數量、塑膠毒素對牠們有否影響及影響程度。而在是                                                                        hotspot in Indonesia, where a three-year study is being carried
次兩星期考察之旅期間,兩名參與計劃的同學楊葉紅                                                                         out to determine the quantity of microplastics in the rays’
及曾寶瑩來到一個鬼蝠魟出沒熱點,在「清潔站」進行                                                                        feeding grounds and their level of exposure, if any, to plastic-
觀察,並協助研究團隊將所拍照片與資料庫互相對比,                                                                        associated toxins. There the students observed and identified
以辨別不同個體。最令同學驚訝的是,在檢視研究團體                                                                        different individuals at the “cleaning station”, cross-checked
取得的鬼蝠魟糞便樣本時,發現到當中竟然有塑膠。                                                                         and compared photos taken by the team with the database, and
另外,同學亦參與了當地的沙灘清潔活動,與民眾一同                                                                        were surprised to see plastics in the faecal samples the team
清理大量堆積的塑膠垃圾,並參與公開講座向遊客推                                                                         collected. They also joined beach clean-up activities with the
廣保育。                                                                                            local community at a site full of plastic debris and promoted
                                                                                                conservation to tourists at public talks.

                                                                                         © MMF                                                                                        © MMF

啟發學生                                                                                            Inspiring Students

「研 究 團 隊 對 保 育 工 作 的 熱 忱,令 我 們 印 象 難 忘。                                                         “The passion of the research team has impressed us. Working on
 在資源有限的小島上,考察工作可謂舉步維艱,但我們                                                                       a small island with limited resources made conducting research
 十分欣賞MMF與潛水業界的合作精神。我們深信,保育                                                                      work harder than ever, but we admired the synergy of the team
 並非只限於保護動物的層面,而是應該改變生活,從而                                                                       and the diving community. Conservation is not just about
 改善生態環境。經過這趟旅程,我們決心減少使用塑膠                                                                       protecting the species – it’s also about changing our daily lives
 製品,為守護海洋加倍努力!」                                                                                 to make a difference. We are motivated to do more to safeguard
                                                                                                the ocean by reducing plastic consumption!”


                                                                                                at a Glance

                                  © MMF                                                         不論身處何地,都要記得自備水樽,並拒絕使用即棄
曾寶瑩及楊葉紅                                                                                         少塑膠廢物出一分力。
Danielle Tsang and Yolanda Yeung
                                                                                                Start a good drinking habit – bring your own bottle and refuse
香港浸會大學                                                                                          the disposable straw. Engage your friends to do the same, both
                                                                                                at home and abroad.
Hong Kong Baptist University
Participants of the 12th USSP

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