Page 71 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2020-21
P. 71

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             'VOESBJTJOH DPTUT                              支出

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            支出(港幣)           Expenditure (HK$)                                       2020/21            2019/20
            保育項目             Conservation projects                                  5,285,514           8,364,618
            地震後重建工作          Earthquake rebuilding efforts                           322,345                 191
            保育教育項目支出   Conservation & education programmes                          2,259,228           1,996,972
            公眾關注活動           Public awareness activities                            2,193,102           3,175,293
            籌款成本             Fundraising costs                                      3,249,434           2,010,469
            行政支出+            Administration+                                         779,743            1,283,036
            總額               Total                                                14,089,366          16,830,579
            +  包括折舊 Includes depreciation

            Total income for the year decreased by 13% to HK$12.53 million. Overall, the Foundation recorded a defi cit of HK$1.56 million
            mainly due to lower donations and investment income.
            Total expenditure decreased by 16% to HK$14.09 million in 2020/21, refl ecting a decrease in costs for conservation projects,
            public awareness activities and administration.
            72 percent of our total expenditure was spent on conservation projects, public awareness activities and other conservation and
            education programmes, including post-earthquake rebuilding efforts. Our project expenditures and post-earthquake rebuilding
            efforts amounted to HK$5.61 million, stemming from 12 new conservation projects for 23 species, and many ongoing projects
            and public awareness efforts throughout the year.
            In the coming year, we are looking to make an even bigger impact by directing our resources towards much-needed conservation
            projects in Asia, fostering environmental awareness among the younger generation, and reaching out to educate and engage
            local communities.
            Remarks: Auditor’s report and full fi nancial statements were uploaded on website for reference.

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