Page 41 - OPCF 2020
P. 41
USSP – 大熊貓保育項目:透過野外放歸守護國寶
USSP – Giant Panda Project:
Learning to Protect a National Treasure through Reintroduction
大熊貓(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)被世界自然保 護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄列為易危物種,現正面臨 棲息地受損和破碎化的威脅。有見及此,中國保護 大熊貓研究中心在四川龍溪─虹口國家級自然保護 區展開研究並收集各種數據,期望可以恢復野外大 熊貓的數量。研究團隊在二零一九年十二月至二零 二零年一月期間為 USSP 學生提供難能可貴、為期 兩星期的實地考察機會。
是項研究旨在監察大熊貓野放後的情況,並調查保 育區內其他珍稀植物。USSP 學生在研究團隊的專業 指導下,協助追蹤及觀察大熊貓在放歸野外後的日 常行蹤,並在區內設置紅外線相機偵測大熊貓的活 動。此外,學生亦有機會參與翻譯、檢查圍欄及清 潔飼養設施等支援工作。
Listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is threatened by the degradation and fragmentation of its habitats. In an effort to help restore wild populations and gather further information about the species, the China Conservation and Research Centre for the Giant Panda is carrying out a study in Longxi- Hongkou National Nature Reserve, Sichuan. USSP students enjoyed an exciting opportunity to work with this team for two weeks from December 2019 to January 2020.
The objectives of the project were to monitor wild-released giant pandas and to study the conservation area and its rare flora. Under the research team’s professional guidance, USSP students assisted in tracking released giant pandas by observing their daily routes and the setting of infrared camera traps to gain a better understanding of their activities. They also supported the team with a number of ad-hoc tasks, such as translation, evaluating the fences and cleaning the rearing house.
這次有幸參與大熊貓野外放歸項目,經歷確實十分難得和難忘。這個項目讓我們體驗到真正的 保育工作其實充滿挑戰,需要極大的體力、耐性和堅持。
It was our pleasure to be involved in this giant panda reintroduction project. It was a rare and memorable opportunity that made us realise how challenging conservation work can be, requiring loads of hard-work, patience and persistence.
黃芷晴女士(香港大學)及郭家莉女士(香港科技大學) 二零一九至二零二零年度 USSP 參加者
Ms. Shirley Wong (The University of Hong Kong) and
Ms. Kelly Kwok (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
2019/20 USSP Alumni