Page 39 - OPCF 2020
P. 39

保育基金自二零一四年起推行「馬蹄蟹種群普查計 劃」,藉以記錄香港馬蹄蟹種群的數量和分布,並與 年輕一代分享保育科研知識。二零一九年的普查計劃 於七月及八月進行,研究團隊成功在所有調查地點, 即下白泥、白泥、䃟頭、東涌灣及沙頭角記錄到馬蹄 蟹的蹤跡。此外,在二零一九至二零二零年度,保育 基金更著手檢討與改良普查計劃的調查方法,並招募 和培訓了二十五名修讀環境科學的大專學生擔任保育 大使,為他們提供參與市場調查、種群普查及研討會 的機會。
保育基金於本年度首次進行市場調查,並意外發現絕 大部分受訪公眾均不知道中國鱟屬瀕危物種,足證公 眾保育意識不足,急須展開全面而廣泛的社區教育工 作。另一方面,雖然結果顯示只有一個受調查的街市 發現有出售馬蹄蟹,而且只有少數人表示曾食用馬蹄 蟹,但售賣馬蹄蟹作放生用途,以及棲息地被污染及 破壞等人為因素,仍然對這個物種構成重大威脅。有 見及此,保育基金現正計劃於二零二零至二零二一年 度加強栽培保育人才,教導「馬蹄蟹種群普查計劃」 保育大使參與下白泥的調查工作,記錄並研究人類活 動對馬蹄蟹棲息地和種群的影響。
2019/20年度普查概要: Survey Summary in 2019/20:
   Horseshoe Crab Population Survey: Recruiting University Students as Conservation Ambassadors
1,000+ 公眾受訪
members of the public interviewed
90% were unaware of Chinese horseshoe crabs “Endangered”* status
45% 不知道香港是中國鱟的棲息地
64.2% didn’t know Chinese horseshoe crabs live in Hong Kong
agreed that education and promotion was insufficient
10% 曾經購買及食用馬蹄蟹
had bought and consumed the species
50+ 街市檔主受訪
wet market stalls investigated
5 次種群數量普查
population surveys carried out
* 根據世界自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄
* According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
OPCFHK began the Horseshoe Crab Population Survey in 2014 to document the population and distribution of horseshoe crabs in Hong Kong and to instil knowledge of scientific research on the species to the younger generation. In July and August 2019, population surveys were done at Ha Pak Nai, Pak Nai, San Tau, Tung Chung Bay and Sha Tau Kok with horseshoe crabs being found at all sites. In addition, not only did OPCFHK revise and evaluate its survey methods in 2019/20, it also trained 25 newly recruited student ambassadors majoring in environmental science at tertiary institutions on conducting market surveys, population surveys and seminars.
In 2019/20, the programme began including market surveys, the first of which recorded eye-opening results. A vast majority of the public is unaware Chinese Horseshoe crab is endangered, showing an urgent need for comprehensive and wide-spread public awareness measures. Though only one market was recorded selling horseshoe crabs and just a minority of respondents admitted consuming them, the survey found that trade for mercy release and other human influences, such as pollution and habitat exploitation, still pose major threats to the species. Continuing its mission to nurture conservation talent, in 2020/21, the survey will start offering training to the recruited ambassadors, who will record and study how human activities affect horseshoe crab habitats and populations in Ha Pak Nai.
Conservation at a Glance
馬蹄蟹保育工作應該由誰主導?大部分人都說是政府,但其 實守護馬蹄蟹人人有責!記得自己垃圾自己帶走,妥善棄置 漁具,攜手為馬蹄蟹打造安全無污染的棲息環境。
When asked who should take the lead in conserving horseshoe crabs, most people answered the government. Actually, everyone can help! Dispose your trash and fishing gear properly to stop polluting their habitats!
   16.2% 13.4%
general public
 environmental groups

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