Page 34 - OPCF 2020
P. 34
本地保育工作 Local Conservation Efforts 猴子與珊瑚:與野生動物和諧為鄰
Monkeys and Coral: Living in Harmony with Neighbouring Wildlife
過去,由於不少巿民隨意餵飼猴子,令香港的猴子數 量急劇增加。部分猴子更因為習慣被餵飼及進食人類 的食物,而引起搶奪登山客食物與交通事故等問題, 並對附近民居造成滋擾,造成人類與猴子之間的衝 突。自二零零九年起,保育基金獲漁護署委託進行絕 育計劃,以控制猴子主要出沒地點,即金山、獅子山 及城門郊野公園的猴子數量。
此項計劃的目標是為居於這三個郊野公園的八成雌性 猴子進行絕育。於二零一九至二零二零年度,保育基 金的團隊為四十隻雌性和二十七隻雄性猴子絕育,令 至今接受內視鏡微創絕育手術的猴子數目增加至一千 三百五十六隻雌性和二百七十四隻雄性。此計劃成功 在漁護署記錄的二十一個猴子群中,將猴子的整體出 生率由二零零九年的百分之五十九點一三,大幅降低 至二零一九年的百分之二十八點九。
Monkey Contraceptive Programme
In the past, Hong Kong saw a rapid rise in monkey population primarily driven by human feeding. Some monkeys have become so habituated to people and human food that they have led to conflicts, including food snatching, traffic accidents and causing nuisance to residents on the fringes of their habitat. OPCFHK was commissioned by AFCD to implement a contraceptive programme which aimed to manage the monkey population in Kam Shan, Lion Rock, and Shing Mun Country Parks, the core areas where the majority of monkeys were found, beginning in 2009.
The programme ultimately hopes to sterilise 80% of the current female monkey population residing at those sites. In 2019/20, 40 females and 27 males were sterilised. Since its launch, the programme has sterilised 1,356 females and 274 males by endoscopy. This programme was proven to noticeably reduce the overall birth rate in 21 monkey troops identified by AFCD from 59.13% in 2009 to 28.90% in 2019.