Page 24 - OPCF 2020
P. 24

     亞洲區內保育工作 Regional Conservation Efforts
Establishing Seedling Nurseries in Indonesian Borneo: Enhancing Local Community Involvement in Conservation
位於印尼婆羅洲的加里曼丹地區擁有大片的森林及泥 炭地,是許多珍貴物種的家園,當中包括極度瀕危 的婆羅洲紅毛猩猩(Pongo pygmaeus)。區內原 本設立了Sebangau國家公園來進行保育工作,可惜 由於出現焚燒森林、非法伐木及非法捕獵等問題,加 上泥炭地乾涸等情況,對森林以至野生動物均構成 威脅。為改善情況,當地保育組織Borneo Nature Foundation(BNF)正進行多項工作,加強當地社 群參與動物棲息地的恢復及保育項目。
保育基金資助了一項由BNF進行的計劃,在多條與 Sebangau國家公園接壤的村莊中建立了社區苗圃, 務求恢復動物棲息地及減低對環境的破壞,同時鼓勵 當地人參與及關注保育。計劃幫助當地家庭在社區共 用的土地上建立苗圃,並由他們共同管理,種植的樹 苗將用來修復被燒毀的Sebangau森林範圍。此外, 計劃還提供管理技巧和人工植林方面的培訓,以提升 參加者管理苗圃的能力,促進當地的可持續發展。
此外,保育基金的資助亦幫助計劃開展出新方向和目 標,例如向當地兒童進行保育教育,灌輸與大自然和 平共存的意識。保育基金的支持可以幫助當地家庭發 展小型環保經濟活動,建立可持續發展的謀生方式, 這樣不但能保護區內受威脅的野生動物,亦令當地社 群同時受惠。
Restoring Forests and Peatlands Through Local Participation
Indonesian Borneo’s Kalimantan forests and peatlands are home to many rare species, including the Critically Endangered Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus). Originally, Sebangau National Park was set aside for conservation; however, forest fires set by locals, illegal logging, peatland drainage and illegal hunting have threatened the forest and its wildlife. To counteract this, a local organisation, the Borneo Nature Foundation (BNF), has been working on projects to facilitate community involvement in habitat restoration and conservation.
Co-creating and Co-managing Seedling Nurseries
with Local Families
To aid in habitat restoration, OPCFHK helped fund a BNF project to establish a series of community nurseries in villages bordering Sebangau National Park, encouraging locals to participate in and value conservation activities over habitat degradation. It is designed to reforest burnt areas of the Sebangau Forest by helping local families establish and co-manage seedling nurseries on community land. The project team also provides nursery management and reforestation training to ensure greater success in co-management and sustainable development within the local area.
In addition, OPCFHK’s funding has helped the project evolve and expand in new directions and objectives, such as educating local children about conservation and helping them connect with nature. Through OPCFHK’s support, the project now aims to help these communities develop a small-scale, local green economy that promotes sustainable livelihood development, improving the lives of threatened wildlife and the people who share their ecosystem.
 ©Borneo Nature Foundation
  ©Julie O’Neill

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