Page 23 - OPCF 2020
P. 23

 亞洲區內保育工作 Regional Conservation Efforts 紅鰭野鯪:為長期保育計劃進行詳細研究
Redfin Labeo: Studying the Species for Long-term Conservation
紅鰭野鯪是斯里蘭卡特有的淡水魚品種,曾經廣泛 分布於當地的乾旱地區,但現已從多個有記錄的棲 息地中消失。目前,牠們只集中出沒於斯里蘭卡中 北部乾旱地區Malwathu Oya盆地的中、下游地區。 由於缺乏物種的數量、分布,以及氣候變化對其影 響的數據,令保育工作受到阻礙。
保育基金資助了一項由世界自然保護聯盟進行的詳 細研究,以填補對紅鰭野鯪的資料不足,並鼓勵各 界更關注其瀕危狀況,從而更有效地進行原地保 育。研究團隊在二零一九年十一月至二零二零年二 月於Malwathu Oya盆地進行實地考察,記錄了包括 紅鰭野鯪在內的四十七種淡水魚物種,並收集了淡 水樣本,以鑑定棲息地的物理及化學特質。
研究結果顯示,紅鰭野鯪廣泛分布在Malwathu Oya 盆地中游及下游流域,並喜歡棲息於沙石混合、水 質較清澈的水底中。此外,研究亦發現了長遠危害 此物種生存的因素,並將於往後的研究中作進一步 分析,以制定未來的保育行動。另外,當地亦正在 籌劃二十個保育教育活動,向當地人推廣保育及保 護物種棲息地的訊息。
A Little-known Endangered Species
Once widely distributed within Sri Lanka’s dry zone, this endemic fresh water fish has now disappeared from many localities where they were recorded in the past. Currently, the species is restricted to the mid and lower Malwathu Oya basin in the North Central dry zone. Information is scarce on their population, distribution and the impacts of climate change on their existence, hampering conservation efforts.
A Comprehensive Study to Find Crucial Information
OPCFHK sponsored a detailed study by IUCN to address the information gap on this species and ensure in-situ conservation by raising awareness of its status. Through field visits in Malwathu Oya basin from November 2019 to February 2020, 47 freshwater fish species, including the redfin labeo, were recorded. Meanwhile, water samples were collected to identify important physical and chemical habitat traits.
The study’s results showed that the fish was very highly distributed in the mid and lower catchment of the Malwathu Oya basin. It was discovered that their preferred habitat is sand-mixed rocky substrates and considerably clear water. Significantly, issues that could negatively impact long-term survival were also identified to shape future conservation efforts. These will be further studied in later surveys. In addition, 20 awareness programmes are planned to promote local-level conservation while advocating for positive measures that conserve the species’ habitat.
 ©Naalin Perera
  ©Sampath Goonatilake
Scientific Name
Labeo lankae
A freshwater fish species endemic to Sri Lanka
Conservation Status
Estimated Population
Unspecified, lack of information
Major Threats
Competition from introduced species, loss of habitat due to large scale agriculture, habitat degradation from chemical pollutants
           *根據世界自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄 According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

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