Page 37 - OPCFHK Annual Report 2018-19
P. 37

            Species at a Glance

            Horseshoe crab
            Among the two species found in Hong
            Kong, Chinese horseshoe crabs (Tachypleus
            tridentatus) were listed as ‘Endangered’ on
            the IUCN Red List in 2019.

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            Horseshoe Crab Population Survey: Monitoring the Local Situation

            自二零一四年起,保育基金每年在本港不同的馬蹄蟹                        Every year since 2014, OPCFHK has been conducting population
            棲息地點進行普查,旨在收集香港現存兩個馬蹄蟹                         surveys at various horseshoe crab habitats around Hong Kong to
            品種的數據,包括其分布及密度、產卵和育幼地                          collect distribution data, and the spawning and nursery locations of
            點等。                                            two horseshoe crab species.
                                                           In 2018/19, a large-scale survey of ten sites, performed every five
            在二零一八至一九年度,保育基金更完成每五年                          years, was conducted. Although juvenile horseshoe crabs were
            一次的大型普查,在全港十個地點收集馬蹄蟹種群                         found in all survey locations, the total number declined compared to
            數據。普查結果顯示,在所有調查地點都能夠找到                         five years ago despite a slight increase in Ha Pak Nai and Sum Wat.
            年幼馬蹄蟹的蹤影,而對比五年前,下白泥和深屈                         Environmental impacts on the horseshoe crab population were also
            的馬蹄蟹數量雖錄得輕微升幅,然而全港整體的                          evaluated, such as salinity and changes in the physical environment,
            馬蹄蟹總數卻下跌。普查同時評估周邊環境對                           pollution, and the composition of vegetation and sedimentation of the
            馬蹄蟹數量的影響,指標包括海水鹽度和環境變化,                        mudflat areas.
            如污染、植被結構和泥灘沉積。                                 This year as part of a new initiative, 14 students from Hong Kong and

            普查計劃今年更特別邀請曾在二零一七至一八年度                         mainland China, who joined the HSC GO! Budding Horseshoe Crab
            參與「HSC GO!」馬蹄蟹青年保育大使計劃的十四名                     Conservationists Training Programme in 2017/18, were invited to join
                                                           three of the survey sessions.
            活動。                                            Moving forward, we plan to recruit more university students to assist
                                                           in the survey and tracking of tagged horseshoe crabs in Hong Kong
            我們計劃將來招募更多大學生協助普查和追蹤本地                         to better assess their distribution and utilisation of habitats.

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