Page 47 - OPFC AR 2015-16
P. 47

與「育養海岸」結伴清潔泥灘             Keeping Clean with Coastal Watch

作為「育養海岸」計劃的策略伙伴,保育基金在維護海  As a strategic partner of Coastal Watch, we are dedicated to a
洋健康上一直不遺餘力,致力在白泥、下白泥及水口灣  healthy environment and have therefore committed to conducting
三個馬蹄蟹主要棲息地推行各項生態及海洋垃圾調    surveys of the ecology and pollution at three horseshoe crab
查。我們分析了各地點的生態價值及微型垃圾的源頭   habitats in Pak Nai, Ha Pak Nai and Shui Hau Wan. Surveys
及成份,並將調查所得的結果呈報有關政府部門,以   indicating the ecological value of each site and the source
制定更適切的海洋生態保育政策。           and composition of the micro debris were submitted to the
                          appropriate government departments to help develop marine
在二零一五至二零一六年度,我們在上述三個地點    conservation policies.
中,我們更聯同了香港、澳門及中國內地的機構,與三  In the year 2015/16, six clean-up events were organised at those
地義工同心進行跨境海岸清潔活動,並於各地即場運   three sites. At a cross-border coastal clean-up event held on
用海洋垃圾拼砌成當地名字,突顯出海洋垃圾遍佈各   World Environment Day, we joined organisations from Hong
地的嚴重問題。                   Kong, Macau and Mainland China. Volunteers from the three
                          regions tackled their corresponding coastlines, using collected
                          litter to spell the names of their clean-up sites to highlight the
                          extent of the issue.

 香港生物多樣性節2015             Cherish Nature at Hong Kong
「愛.識自然」                   Biodiversity Festival 2015

第一屆「香港生物多樣性節」由環境局、漁護署、本地  Co-organised by the Environment Bureau, AFCD, local
大學,聯同保育基金與一眾環保團體合辦,於二零一   universities, OPCFHK and other green groups, the very first Hong
五年十一月舉行了閉幕活動「生物多樣性同樂日」,成  Kong Biodiversity Festival was concluded with the Biodiversity
功吸引逾三千人到訪。活動中保育基金以馬蹄蟹及海   Carnival in November 2015. The Carnival was attended by
洋生態保育訊息為主題,與公眾分享保育訊息。     over 3,000 visitors. The Foundation's focus at the event was
                          horseshoe crab and marine conservation.

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