Page 5 - OPCF 2020
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可惜由於二零一九冠狀病毒病疫情爆發,聯合國 《生物多樣性公約》峰會及許多國際會議與保育行動 都被逼作出延期或取消。此外,疫情亦為香港的自 然環境帶來極大衝擊,保育基金對此感受至深。自 二零一七年起,我們每年均舉辦「無飲管運動」,見 證著香港的塑膠飲管用量按年大跌四成,但即棄餐具 用量卻在二零二零年初出現反彈。有調查發現,由於 堂食限制等抗疫措施,香港即棄塑膠餐具及容器用量 有所上升,由平均每星期三點一件增至三點四件。而 本年度的「無飲管日」亦在疫情影響下被逼移師網上 舉行,但這無損我們對宣揚「走塑」與推動海洋保育 的決心。另一方面,我們亦繼續積極推行「海洋公園 保育日」及「停止餵飼野生動物計劃」等公眾教育活 動,不停步推廣保育訊息。
在海洋保育方面,二零一九至二零二零年度錄得有記 錄以來最多的本地鯨豚擱淺個案,情況令人憂慮。單 在二零一九年,鯨豚擱淺個案數字已達五十五宗,打 破保育基金自二零零六年起參與鯨豚擱淺處理行動以 來的記錄,其中江豚的擱淺個案更創下新高,數字甚 至高於整體鯨豚擱淺個案過去十年的平均數,突破 三十四宗。鯨豚擱淺的成因同樣令人關注,當中在 二零一九年八月,一條擱淺中華白海豚的胃部有 三分之二的空間,被俗稱「鬼網」的廢棄漁網佔 據,再次印證海洋垃圾對海洋動物而言等同於死亡 陷阱,存有極大危險。保育基金在「滙豐一百五 十周年慈善計劃」贊助下,正式於二零一九年九月 開設全新香港海洋生物救護及教育中心(救護及教 育中心),以深入調查擱淺個案,從而制定更有效 的海洋保育措施,並教育公眾愛護海洋環境,避免同 類悲劇發生。
凡此種種工作和成果,都有賴各位善長慷慨支持。 我們特別感謝海洋公園一直以來為我們提供資金及 技術支援,亦衷心感謝各贊助者、企業伙伴、義工及 其他持分者的全力支持。每一位受託委員會成員、 委員會成員、首席研究員及研究團隊,還有保育基金 上下每一位成員的不懈付出,亦是我們守護自然的 重要力量。
目前世界前景或許充滿不明朗因素,但保育基金仍然會 繼續堅定信念,與大家心連心守護自然環境。在回顧過 去二十五年的工作同時,我們更積極展望將來,也很榮 幸可以與你一起「護生態 拓未來 同心保育25載」。
基金主席 Foundation Chair
Unfortunately, to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the UN CBD summit as well as many international conferences and work on conservation had to be rearranged or suspended altogether. At OPCFHK and in Hong Kong specifically, we have also witnessed the dramatic impact of the pandemic on nature. Despite the 40% drop in Hong Kong’s annual plastic straw consumption since 2017—the same year that we launched our annual No Straw Campaign, the use of single-use plastic cutlery and containers has seen an increase from a weekly average of 3.1 pieces to 3.4 pieces in early 2020. Researchers attribute this to dine-in restrictions and other measures implemented to combat the pandemic. Although this year’s No Straw Day celebration and activities had to be moved completely online, reducing single-use plastics is still a vitally important plank of marine conservation. Alongside our other ongoing public awareness campaigns like Ocean Park Conservation Day and Don’t Feed Wild Animals, OPCFHK continues to spread the wider message of conservation however we can.
On marine conservation in particular, during 2019/20, the record-high number of cetacean stranding cases in Hong Kong was serious cause for concern. In 2019 alone, there were 55 cases, breaking the annual record since our team got involved in 2006. Finless porpoise strandings have reached an alarming new high compared to the annual average of 34 cases of all types of cetacean strandings in the last decade. Equally disturbing was the case of a stranded Chinese white dolphin, found with an abandoned fishing net occupying two-thirds of its stomach, in August 2019. It’s a huge wake-up call to the destructive impact of marine debris, especially “ghost nets”, as these are death traps for marine animals. Funded by the HSBC 150th Anniversary Charity Programme, we opened the new Hong Kong Marine Life Stranding and Education Centre (HKMLSEC) in September 2019 to better investigate strandings, formulate marine protection measures and educate the public, precisely to prevent more tragedies like this.
As always, our conservation work is dependent on the generosity and kindness of our donors. Foremost among them is Ocean Park, whom we thank for supporting our efforts through donations and providing technical expertise. We also express our immense gratitude to all our other sponsors, corporate partners, volunteers and stakeholders. Of course, none of this would be possible without our trustee members, committee members, principal investigators and their teams and each member of our staff, whose tireless dedication are our frontline in protecting nature.
Though the recent global situation might seem daunting, OPCFHK still stands with nature and people, and our dedication towards conservation has not wavered. As we celebrate our efforts over the past 25 years, so too do we eagerly look forward—Together, Safeguarding Nature for Another 25 Years.